Contest Submission

Migrating Fish

Total Votes: 13

Type of Work: Street Painting

Many visitors to the outdoor swimming pool have to cross this parking lot before they reach their destination. Wouldn’t it be nice if we would be greeted by water themed art along the way?

Many fish … are in the streets!

The theme of this collaborative artwork is sea-life. To make this project as inclusive as possible, I propose to sketch a general layout only, defining where creatures of the oceans should go. Creative minded residents are invited to draw their own interpretations of marine life – it can be anything from sea shells to mermaids or just a school of colourful fish. Less venturous but equally enthusiastic people are equally needed to help fill the shapes with a splash of colour! Everybody onboard? Ship ahoy! By the same occasion, we will paint that blunt textile collection box (on the opposite side of the swimming pool) with shades of green and blue. And a bunch of bubbles too!

Bridge the transition!

The local scouting group will be recruited to build this edifice made of wood and rope : 2 towers – bow and stern, connected with a hanging bridge. The design in the picture is just a starting point. I will sit down with the group to sketch and discuss ideas before finalising the plans for the structure.

More green!

To complete the transformation of the space, a workshop will be held for residents to manufacture seed bombs. Seed bombs are balls of clay, compost and seeds that can be thrown into the soil to bring back biodiversity into the city. The participants are free to choose among seeds for their bombs. Seeds are selected for their ability to bloom all along the season, from early spring (Snowbells, …) to late fall (Black-Eyed Susan, …). Early spring blooming flowers can be helpful in attracting bees and other pollinators to our city early in the season, which encourages them to make it a regular place to visit for them. Sun flower heads are much appreciated by wild birds for their nutritious seeds to prepare for the winter months.

Estimated time: 1 month
Estimated cost: 7500

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2 Responses

  1. I like the co-created sea-life street painting a lot.

    I also like flowers a lot but in this case I feel they are distracting from the “sea life” idea. If there would be water-plants that would be a different story 🙂

    Are the bridges supposed to have a real function or are they just for fun?
    With those steep ladders they would be accessible for only very few people and a father of two small kids I shiver seeing a playground like installation next to the cars.

  2. Hi Conradin,

    I like the idea to install ponds and grow aquatic plants or even fish, but I am hesitant to propose this. City ponds need regular cleaning in order to stay healthy and I m not sure if the city is willing to spend the necessary ressources.

    Regarding the wooden structure, this illustration is really just a starting point. The final design will be elaborated in collaboration with the local scouts group. Other interested residents are allowed to participate of course in the brain storming session. Being a former boyscout myself, I know that they’ll come up with more prolific ideas than I could ever think of.

    Together, we’ll develop a structure that is fun and safe for everyone. I would like it to be useful as a mini playground for kids. It doesn’t need to be a bridge. It could be reproduction of a part of a sailing boat e.g.

    Thanks again for your input !

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