Contest Submission

#Kiss by Kiss

Total Votes: 203

Type of Work: Architectural installation

#Kiss by Kiss
Our first kiss is often a special experience. Whether we plan it out or it happens spontaneously it is a once in a lifetime experience that we often remember forever. Our “Kiss by Kiss” pavilion provides the perfect environment to renew your kissing experience, to have your first kiss or to go with your friends and perhaps show your affection by giving them a peck on the cheek. Whatever you decide to do, make it memorable. Take a picture, post it on your Instagram or save it to your phone. Keep these precious memories!

The pavilion is designed to give a romantic atmosphere through its pink coloured vinyl cover that provides a intimate space sequence. On the vinyl is printed the phrase “Kiss me” in the many languages of the world. As you pass through, you encounter a series of neon signs that help you prepare for your final destination. First, smile! What is better to start you off on your journey then a smile! Then, hold your companion’s hand, physical contact is key! Look each other in the eyes, make sure to give the other person a compliment and then, the big moment: The Kiss! At this final station you will find our Wheel of Fortune. If you decide to use it, it will give a suggestion where to kiss your partner: nose, cheek, on the mouth or some of our other suggestions, otherwise just go for it!

Each station provides a spot to take a picture and make a memory. If you choose to share, we have provided some fun hashtags to help you.

The installation consists of a light weight steel structure formed into a tunnel by a pink vinyl fabric sheet. This provides great cover during rainy days as well as a more private setting for your experience. The flooring is made of a grey wooden decking that provides a firm stable surface as you pass through the structure. The neon post signs along your way are typical LED lights powered by small solar panel units that are a great source of renewable energy. This allows for lights that do not need to be powered through the grid as there is no electrical supply to the site.

We hope you like our project and we look forward to seeing you at the Kiss by Kiss Pavilion in Differdange!

Estimated time: 1-2 weeks built; permanent installation
Estimated cost: €10.000-15.000

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