Registered DiffMix Artist

Scenocosme Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt

We are the couple of artists Scenocosme: Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt. We do interactive artworks together since more than 18 years. We invite you to discover our artworks on our website. We explore invisible relationships with our environment by designing interactive artworks in which spectators share sensory and initimate experiences. For several years, we design interactive artworks installations with plants or natural elements and human body in order to question our relationships to the natural and social environment. Our interactive artworks use plants as living sensors, sensistive to various energy flows.
By interpreting this sensoriality through various sonorous interactions, we suggest that our environment is composed of alive, reactive things.

Our artworks are exhibited in numerous museums, contemporary art centres and art festivals in the world.


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In answer to you call for project, we suggest an artwork with a symbolic and calming relationship...
Type of work: sensitive artwork with tree and human
Estimated time: _
Estimated cost: from 10 000 to 15 000
Total Votes: 1
Cristallisation Climatic and interactive artwork installation “Cristallisation” is an outdoor sculpture that invites you to share a...
Type of work: interactive artwork
Estimated time: several month
Estimated cost: between 10 000 to 15 000
Total Votes: 4