Registered DiffMix Artist

Nicolas A


Here you’ll see all submissions made by this artist. You can view and comment them too.

One Tree, One Family
We are in Place des Alliés… Imagine dividing all this concrete space into a square grid of...
Type of work: Event + Vegetalization
Estimated time: Permanent
Estimated cost: 15000
Total Votes: 177
The #Firstkiss project started with the construction by the citizens of Differdange of a vermilion red wooden...
Type of work: Scenography / Art space
Estimated time: Permanent
Estimated cost: 12500
Total Votes: 172
Tunnels  “Landscaped Agora”
I have carefully read the remarks of the different working groups which have been very useful and...
Type of work: Landscaped course
Estimated time: Permanent
Estimated cost: 12500
Total Votes: 189
Car Parks 2.0 “Make parking an ecosystem”
Car Parks 2.0 is above all intended to promote contact between nature, biodiversity and the citizens of...
Type of work: Urban garden
Estimated time: Several years
Estimated cost: 15000
Total Votes: 133
Beim Waschbuer “Solidarität”
Clean clothes are an important asset of a modern society. And clean clothes for everyone should be...
Type of work: Solidarity laundry
Estimated time: Permanent (Depends on local authorities)
Estimated cost: 6000 to 8000
Total Votes: 254