Registered DiffMix Artist

Complex Shadow

Complex Shadow was born in 1995, in Αthens, Greece by Sierra Leonean parents. Complex Shadow is an original founding member of the music collective ATH Kids. At a very young age, he formed alongside 7 friends a music collective group that goes by the name of ATH Kids. The collective draws inspiration from the city of Αthens which is also the common thread between them. Their music, Rap/Hip Hop in its genre, albeit in English lyrics, is greatly influenced by the Greek and mostly Athenian spirit. ATH Kids act not only as a collective but also as a family. They create everything by their own initiative, based on their personal taste and resources. The final result, from their music and lyrics, to their music videos, is solely created through collective work and resources. After five years of collaboration, they performed in various music festivals and venues around Europe, representing an emerging Greek RAP/Hip Hop music scene.

Complex Shadow has always been drawn to the impact of images and visual representation in acoustic experiences, which he further explored by contributing in the creative process of ATH Kids’ music videos. His aspiration of capturing a more personal vision of the world, led him back to photography, this time holding a better technical understanding and experience. His main subject in photography, images of everyday life in Greece, derive from the will to promote clear views of the country where he was born and raised. Being self-taught and constantly learning through observational skills offers him the opportunity to bring forth a unique aesthetic, closely connected to his life experiences.


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