Registered DiffMix Artist

Azal Narmon

A hand … is worth an history’ wrote the poet . One of the most enigmatic image, shows a young man clasping a hand issuing from a cloud. We are not sure who he is ,whose hand he is holding or what the exact meaning at the Latin inscription is . It is a good example of an ‘impresa’ or motto and image , which depend upon one another for their secretive meanings and reveal the thoughts , some aspect of the character or life or even soul of the subject . It may be an image of the true self –portrait , as Apollo , his divine and healing inspiration . It can be translated as self-representation for/or ‘because of ‘ love


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Build on the Built: Re-public the public space
A process-based project tackles the future of Washing House, developing an experimental and innovative architectural intervention and...
Type of work: architectural intervention and curatorial programme
Estimated time: 12 weeks
Estimated cost: € 15,000
Total Votes: 3